Easy going and passionate about fishing, Rod provides memorable guided fishing trips for Sturgeon, Salmon & Steelhead in Chilliwack, British Columbia.

Life is supposed to be fun!
Let’s get you out fishing!
Easy going and passionate about fishing, Rod provides memorable guided fishing trips for Sturgeon, Salmon & Steelhead in Chilliwack, British Columbia. Bent Rods Guiding & Fishing Co. offers a wide variety of angling options. Our goal is to provide you with a relaxing and rewarding fishing trip that will exceed expectations, and keep you coming back year after year! We strive to improve and expand the ethical angling skills and knowledge of both experienced and novice anglers from around the world!

Family Owned and Operated since 2004
We are committed to providing you with a personal and specialized service, ensuring an ultimate fishing trip. We are a family business, and it is important that every angling adventure is given proper care and attention to detail. We will gladly assist you in making accommodation decisions and bookings, and for all fishing trips 3 days or more- we offer complimentary airport pickup. We take all bookings by email or telephone, and your fishing guide will oversee your booking time and trip details. Fishing Trip prices are listed below. Please see links to the left for more detailed information about fishing trip options and prices.
OUR Guided FISHING Trips
Afternoon Guided Sturgeon Fishing Trip
Book nowFor a limited time, we are offering flat rate afternoon fishing trips of 4 hours or 5 hours for up to 4 people. Come join us after work for some sunset guided fishing for sturgeon!
Guided Sturgeon Fishing Trip
Book your sturgeon fishing adventure today! Bent Rods Guiding is world renowned for our ability to consistently catch Sturgeon for our clients. Anglers from around the globe visit us every season to catch these hard fighting fish.Book nowGuided Steelhead Fishing Trip
The elusive and highly sought after Steelhead. Considered the greatest sport fish to chase in the world! Bent Rods will give you our best lessons, locations and tips for catching this chrome, sea-run fish.Book nowGuided Coho Salmon Fishing Trip
The Coho Salmon, also referred to as the Silver Salmon, is one of the most highly sought after game fish of the Pacific Ocean and the many rivers that run into it. Bent Rods Guiding is your ticket to Fraser River Valley Coho Salmon action.Book nowChinook Salmon Trip
Book nowAt Bent Rods guiding we concentrate our Chinook efforts in the Vedder River and a number of valley tributaries which enjoy strong runs of these great fish. We employ a whole array of techniques, as different times of the season call for different approaches to catch these amazing fish.
We are offering Walk N Wades, with same pricing for one or two (max) anglers!
For more information on this trip, please visit our Chinook Guided Trip info page!
Chum Salmon Trip
One of the hardest fighting game fish. When Rod puts you into a Chum Salmon you better hope your arms are ready. In the Fraser River Valley we receive one of the largest Chum runs in the world. Famous Rivers like the Chilliwack, Harrison, Stave, Chehalis and Nicomen systems all boast large returns of Chum Salmon.Book now