The Pink Salmon is the smallest of the Salmon family, but certainly one of the most sporting, abundant and easy to catch.
Pinks or “humpies” as they are affectionately known, are great sport for the Fraser Valley angler. These fish return on odd numbered years by the tens of millions.
The Pink Salmon will readily attack almost any well presented lure or fly, but anglers truly dialed in on these fish record daily catches that are too numerous to keep track of.
At Bent Rods we have a number of ways to target the “humpies”. Jig fishing, spoon tossing and fly fishing are the favored methods, and we make custom lures for our endeavors.
Twitching Jigs are quickly becoming the favorite method for both guides and local anglers. Extremely simple and amazingly productive, this method can be mastered in a day by anglers of all ages.
Bent Rods can supply you with the finest quality Jigs on today’s market and our guides are constantly tinkering to achieve Jigs that will simply out-fish all others. If you are in need of Jigs for the upcoming “Pink” season, call us and we can hook you up with the Jigs that “top guides” use to consistently “hook up”.